There are many ways to enjoy the scenery, nature, family or tranquility alone. But we often forget one of them, if we know how to reinvent it, we have it in our hands: the steering wheel of the car.
A beauty road is not easy to find, but when we do, the is not anymore something routine or cumbersome and becomes a rewarding, relaxing experience that allows you to disconnect from the nerves and saturation that regular use perceives with the steering wheel of our car.
We propose 3 roads with charm, which we encourage you to discover:

CASTILLA LA MANCHA: 2,500 KILOMETERS OF ROUTE CANNOT BE COVERED IN ONE DAY.: Si Rocinante hubiera tenido que cabalgar sin descanso durante los 2.500 kilómetros que componen la Ruta del Quijote, aquel rocín flaco no habría durado ni un solo día. Nosotros tampoco, así que nos vamos a concentrar en una décima parte de esa distancia, que reúne lo esencial de La Mancha

TORTOSA – DELTEBRE – TRABUCADOR BEACH: leaving the ancient and monumental city of Tortosa we will follow the course of the river Ebro to Amposta, we will cross the river by the Hanging Bridge, and it directs a Deltebre crossing the Delta of the Ebro. in its most authentic part. We’ll cross the river again at Deltebre by the Bridge of the Passador, that unites La Cava with Sant Jaume d’Enveja, and crossing rice fields and lagoons, we will enjoy fauna and flora finishing in the fabulous ‘Platja del Trabucador’, with water at both sides and panoramic views of the Montsià mountains. 45 km to remember.

FUERTEVENTURA: The beauty of this island is strange. Its aridity is striking, but the good observer ends up falling in love. Miguel de Unamuno already said it: “You enter Fuerteventura crying and you leave crying”. And you don’t need palm trees on the roads. Sleeping volcanoes are also good companions when driving